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15 Business Motivational Quotes to stay motivated and start your day

Here are some inspirational quotes for famous and successful people. Who tells you a story about their struggle that success is not overnight luck but a result of a series of failures and hard work, so hand in their just keep motivated and work hard. Success will eventually be yours. Until then, embrace your failure and keep learning.

Are you a businessman, an entrepreneur, solo business owner, or freelancer who often faces demotivation? Then it’s normal to experience. But at the end of the day, true business people know that you have to push past those feelings and force yourself to do in this bad situation. If you’re going to make your side hustle a reality, have a look at quotes. It will give you the feeling perfect for getting into the right mindset for thinking big, accomplishing your most meaningful goals, and refocusing on the larger 

1 : The Golden rule of every businessman is to put yourself in the customers' place - Orsin Swett Martin

Orison Marden Quote

2 : There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failures - Colin Powell

Colin Powell

3 : Focus on being productive than being busy - Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss

4 : Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try - John F

John F

5 : Never start a business to make money, start a business to make a difference - Marie Forleo

Marie Forleo

6 : Sales go up and down. Services stay forever.

Sales go up and down, services stay forever

7 : Growth is never by mere chance, it is a result of forces working together -James Cash Penney

James Penny

8 : Sell the problem you solve not the product.

Sell the problem you solve not the product

9 : Just start, don’t worry that you don’t have all the answers yet - Alli Webb

Alli Webb

10 : The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today - Jackson Brown

Jackson Brown

11 : Cost of success -

  • Late nights
  • Early morning
  • Few friends
  • Being misunderstood
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Questing your sanity
  • Being your own cheerleader
Cost of Success

12 : A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all - Micheal LeBoeuf

Micheal Leboeuf

13 : Quality is doing it right when no one is looking - Henry Ford

Henry Ford

14 : Success is not built on success, it’s built on failure, it’s built on Frustration. Sometimes it builds on Catastrophe

Success Is Not Built On Success

15: Failure is not the opposite of success, it’s just a part of success - Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington
