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Integrate Video in Email Marketing

7 Innovative Ways to Integrate Video in Email Marketing

Email marketing is powerful. Video Marketing is even more powerful.

Use video in email marketing to drive more traffic onthe  website, increase engagement, boost conversions and boost sales. Videos are great! You can add them to any email campaign and see an increase in performance metrics. Don't believe me? Check out these stats:

Including the word "video" in your email's subject line can increase your email's open rate by 6%. And your email open rate can be increased by 19% if you add videos to your emails.

What’s even more impressive is that 50% of buyers want to see video from brands.

Videos are also easy to create and distribute.

If you've been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the perfect excuse to jump into video marketing, here it is. The statistics prove that videos in email marketing works.

Benefits of Videos in Email Marketing

Videos are great for branding purposes because they make your emails stand out. They also give you the opportunity to share more information in less time. People like watching videos and will share them if they think others will enjoy them. Your videos can increase your Google search rankings. Sharing videos on social media helps spread your message. You can also create videos to show your customers how to use your product. These videos can be shared on YouTube and other sites to get more exposure.

• A well-made video can turn into a viral hit. If your video goes crazy, it can do wonders on your SEO.

• Shows a professional image of your company by connecting to people on a personal level.

• Increases social media traffic.

• Improve your brand awareness through video communication with your customers

• Allows you to capture leads when they are interested in learning about your business.

• Avoid expensive advertising costs

If you are new to email marketing learn how to make a significant first impression via E-mail 

Here are some tips on creating great content for your email campaigns.

1. Use a professional camera. This will help you capture high quality images.

2. Make sure your lighting is good.

3. Have fun with it.

4. Keep it short.

5. Include links to your site.

6. Include a link to download your video.

7. Add text or graphics to break up the monotony.

8. Use a voiceover.

9. Record at least two versions of your video.

10. Get your video professionally edited

Here are the top 6 ways to integrate video in your next email campaign:

1. Use a short video intro for each email you send out. This will help your prospects will get to know who you are as an individual before they start receiving your emails. You can also use this time to tell them about any special offers or discounts that you have going on at the moment.

2. Create a free webinar or live Q&A session with one of your best customers. Ask them questions like “What’s the most common question you receive from clients?” Then answer those questions in the body of the email.

3. Show off your company culture using videos. Share behind-the-scenes footage of your office space, team members, products/services, etc.

4. Tell stories through video content. People love hearing stories! So why not share some of your personal experiences with your audience?

5. Use video testimonials. If people trust you enough to give their opinions about your business, then why wouldn't they trust you with their own life story?

6. Include a link to your YouTube channel in every email you send out. Your subscribers already trust you; now they'll be able to see exactly what kind of person you are by watching your videos.

Creative Ways to Make Video Email Marketing Work for You 

In the world of marketing, you are constantly competing for your audience’s attention, so you must be creative in using videos in your promotional emails. Here are some interesting ways to deliver value to your customers through your videos and supercharge your email marketing.

1. Add personality to your messages. In order to make your message stick, you need to connect with your audience. One way to do this is by adding humor to your emails. Humor has proven to be effective in increasing customer retention rates.

2. Be authentic. When you show your audience that you care about them, they will feel more connected to you and your brand.

3. Keep it simple. It's important to keep your messaging clear and concise. Too many words can turn your audience away.

4. Get real. Let your audience hear your voice. Speak directly to them rather than talking down to them.

5. Share valuable information. Helping your audience solve problems is always a good idea. They will appreciate the fact that you took the time to provide them with useful tips and tricks.

6. Don’t forget to include links. Links allow your viewers to learn more about topics covered in your emails.

7. Include images. Adding pictures to your emails helps your audience better understand your point of view.

8. Have fun. While being professional is important, don’t take yourself too seriously. Customers want to know that you enjoy doing what you do.

Video Marketing is the Best Way to Get Results From Your Email Campaigns.

Videos are proven to be effective at increasing conversion rates, generating leads, boosting brand awareness and engaging audiences. They're also easy to create and distribute.

If you've been sitting on the sidelines waiting for the perfect excuse to jump into video marketing, here it is. The statistics prove that video marketing works.

Don't wait any longer - start integrating video into your email campaigns today.

The Best Time to Send Emails is Right Now. 

Video is a powerful tool for marketing and customer engagement, but it can be difficult to incorporate into email campaigns. However, there are several ways that you can use video in your emails to increase the chances of success. Here’s how:

Benefits of Video Marketing

1. Create an Interactive Storyline with Visuals

The best way to use video in email marketing is to create a storyline that includes visuals. This will help your audience understand what they need to do next and make sure they don’t miss anything important.

For example, if you run a blog about home improvement, you could send out a series of emails that include videos showing different steps in completing a project. The emails would provide instructions on how to complete each step, as well as links to useful resources.

2. Include Calls-to-Action

When people open up their inboxes, they expect to see something that will get them interested or motivate them to take action. If you want to encourage someone to click through to your website, product page, or other destination, then you should add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video.

3. Use Videos That Tell Stories

When people open up their inboxes, they expect to see something that will get them interested or motivate them to take action. If you want to encourage someone to click through to your website, product page, or other destination, then you should add a call-to-action (CTA) at the end of your video.

4. Add Audio to Your Emails

Adding audio to your emails gives your message more impact and makes it easier for recipients to read. It also allows you to personalize your messages even further. For example, you could say “Hi , I just wanted to let you know that we’re running a special promotion right now. Click here to find out more.”

5. Make Sure Your Subject Line Is Clear

Your subject line is one of the most important parts of any email. When it comes to video, this means that you should always keep it simple and clear. Don’t try to overcomplicate things. Instead, focus on making your subject line stand out so that recipients will actually pay attention to it.

6. Keep Your Message Short & Sweet

Video content doesn’t have to be long to be effective. In fact, many studies show that shorter content performs better than longer ones. So, when you’re thinking about adding video to your email marketing strategy, remember to keep it short and sweet.

7. Incorporate Multiple Types of Content

If you only offer one type of content, then you’ll probably struggle to reach your goals. But, if you mix it up, you might be able to increase the number of conversions. For example, you might start with a short video followed by a text-based article. Or, you might first share a link to a webinar you hosted, followed by a short video that provides additional information.

8. Be Consistent

If you want to use video in email, you should stick to a consistent format. This means that you shouldn’t change the types of content you share throughout the year. Otherwise, your subscribers won’t know what to expect, which could lead to confusion and frustration.

9. Test Different Formats

You may think that you already know everything there is to know about video. But, that couldn’t be further from the truth. There are hundreds of different formats available, and you should test them all to determine which works best for your business.

10. Use Visuals

People love visuals, especially when it comes to email marketing. So, if you want to stand out, you should try using videos, gif & images instead of just plain text.

Creating professional-quality videos is easy.

You can use online video editing tools where you can get free stock footage and video templates on many topics. You can edit these videos by yourself or we at Brand Beavers provide business owners with all the video editing services they need to create powerful videos to share with their customers. Free stock footage and video templates are available on many subjects such as home improvement, and travel.. It's fast and affordable.

Video marketing is one of the best ways to promote your product or service. The key is to keep it short and sweet. Don't wait any longer - start integrating video into your email campaigns today. When it comes to incorporating videos in email marketing, the scope is limitless. The only limit you have is your imagination. The Best Time to Send Emails is Right Now.

From incorporating useful product tutorials to making your clients smile with the help of funny gifs, video email marketing is a great addition to your email marketing campaigns and definitely works very well in boosting your customer engagement and email metrics.

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