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Instagram: Launched Ads To Connect With Businesses Via Whatsapp

Instagram launched a new way for Instagram users to easily connect with businesses. Businesses can now directly connect their WhatsApp Business account to Instagram by simple way adding a WhatsApp business number to their contact information.Enter your text here...

With a connected WhatsApp account, businesses will get the opportunity to improve posts that drive customers to message them directly on WhatsApp. Improving a post that operates to WhatsApp allows businesses to reach more people and excite them to be their next customer through personalization. Businesses can also select to streamline according to their messages and take advantage of WhatsApp's automatic responses and organizational tools.

This feature Instagram has developed after examining its user behaviour, where businesses were creating ads on Instagram that drove to WhatsApp through a third-party link. With this launch, Instagram looks to create a more seamless way for businesses to connect with people on WhatsApp and provide another way for businesses to reach their goals and create new opportunities.

Here’s How to connect with your next potential customer today Instagram via WhatsApp:

  1. Under profile settings, add your WhatsApp business number to “contact options” on your Instagram business account.
  2. Choose an existing post on your Instagram business account that would inspire your audience.
  3. Click the blue boost button, choose messages and select WhatsApp
  4. Set a goal, audience, budget and duration for your ad that will help you reach your objectives.
  5. Review your selections, preview your ad and tap “create your ad.”
  6. Once approved, your ad will go live within 24 hours.
